(LogOut/ When the jury starts to favor Frie by arguing that no mother would hurt her children, Delphine disagrees. I recommend it. After Kate returned home, she found her body, which she had actually dumped using a boat. The owner of the boat, Wood Duck, Mr. Harmon (Josh Quong Tart), claims that Kate had access to his boat and keys, but he thinks his boat was unharmed and wasnt used in any crimes. During a previous scene, Ari explains to Frie that he'll start the paperwork to declare a mistrial something that could easily be granted since Nol (Piet De Praitere) leaked trial proceedings to the press. eventAction: 'render' He had weird sexual fantasies about choking Belinda with her school tie, which she found to be offensive. It makes De Twaalf a rich, broiling stew. Fries reasons for hurting her daughter are also made pretty clear. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Belgian courtroom drama makes it to the UK. The Twelve, a Belgian series on Netflix, opens with jury selection for a scandalous case against a woman, Frie Palmers (Maaike Cafmeyer), who is accused of killing her best friend 19 years earlier and mortally wounding her own child three years earlier. But what reason would she have had to kill Brechtje? A Man Called Otto Ending, Explained: Does Otto Find A Reason To Live? Given how neatly The Twelve season 1, episode 10 tied everything up, a second season would need a new case, and new jurors, but I think the overall concept has plenty of legs. } Mum-of-three Delphine is the reserve member of the jury but plays a major role in The Twelve. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { (LogOut/ The jurors wrestle with their own intriguing personal dramas as they weigh the evidence against Frie. Tonight Youre Sleeping With Me Ending, Explained: Who Does Nina End Up With? With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie gets sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment, while Steefan walks free. He brings up a few old, biased stories that the court ignores. These cookies do not store any personal information. Her works honor the brutality of death and the realism of life. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. All4/Walter Presents next binge-worthy crime series is Belgian story, The Twelve (De Twaalf). Meanwhile, Stefaan and Frie get married, and its a turbulent marriage, as Stefaan is prone to cheating. At one point, Holly (Charlotte De Bruyne) even asserts that it's reasonable to assume a murder legally never took place in Roos' death, as the question of intent to kill was not an unassailable fact by any means. These photographic flashes at a particular time interval are captured on CCTV. It's not that simple either. This didnt bother me, in fact I found it fascinating. My wife and I really enjoyed this drama. With the pressure mounting to deliver a verdict, the trauma these 12 go through is essentially the highlight of the series. Creators Sanne Nuyens and Bert Van Dael manage to roll out an intriguing story with 'The Twelve'. Britbox In court, he also lied about having no clue about Brechtjes pregnancy before her death, while a flashback reveals otherwise. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Struggling to take in the diagnosis, he also locks horns with fellow members of the jury who see him as nervous and overly prickly. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. For me the setting free of Delphine was great, that Mike fellow if I came across a person like that in real life I would certainly slap him myself. Kate is brought to court, where she is greeted by her attorney, Mr. Brett Colby (Sam Neill), and his paralegal, Ezekiel Aku. There doesnt have to be a unanimous decision, so there is only 1 vote for the jurors. He even gives all of Delphine's sacrifices purpose by giving up his jurist seat so she can take over as substitute. Required fields are marked *. Margot later does the same. Jealousy? As the jurors get to know each other, so do we theres Delphine, who Ive already mentioned; young, headstrong Holly Ceusters (Charlotte De Bruyne) who is revealed to have experienced her own trauma several years ago (she returned from a night out to find her parents tied up at home, brutally and senselessly murdered); Arnold Briers (Peter Gorissen) who is grieving the loss of his wife and lives in a noisy apartment block, the constant din compounding his loneliness; sex addict Nol Marinus (Piet De Praitere) who is feeding insider info of the case and his fellow jurors to a journalist for cash; uptight Carl Destoop (Zouzou Ben Chikha) who is trying to deal with his daughter Juliettes recent autism diagnosis, even though he may be on the spectrum himself; and alpha-male Joeri Cornille (Tom Vermeir) who becomes involved in a moral quandary when an illegal worker falls from scaffolding at the building site his company owns and tries to cover it up. eventAction: 'click_image_ads' Most of what occurred onThe Twelve inside and outside of the courtroom wasn't fair to anybody. West acknowledges that she fabricated Claires late arrival time on the record to prevent any problems. The jury includes Holly (Charlotte De Bruyne), a young survivor of a horrific home invasion who uses promiscuity to forget her pain; Joeri (Tom Vermeir), who inherited a construction company and is having a crisis of ethics; Arnold (Peter Gorissen), a taciturn loner who prefers the company of the monkeys he cares for at the zoo than people; Carl (Zouzou Ben Chikha), the nudnik who wants to control everyone, including his exasperated teen daughter Juliette(Sofia Ferri); Delphine (Maaike Neuville), who lives in constant fear of her domineering creep of a husband; and Nol (Piet De Praitere), the has-been photographer with money problems and a sex addiction. These delicious double-crosses, affairs and hand-over-your-mouth twists and turns mean that each of the main characters who are in the dock (and you can include Brechtjes father Marc in this) really arent very likeable. Connected to both cases is Stefaan De Munck a man who got together with Frie after the murder of his (pregnant) partner Brechtje, also Fries best friend. She claims that because Kate is so fascinated by death, the many shades of postmortem lividity or death bruises excite her. Its the gloves and Britts necklace that eventually give her away. The Twelve, a Belgian series on Netflix, opens with jury selection for a scandalous case against a woman, Frie Palmers (Maaike Cafmeyer), who is accused of killing her best friend 19 years earlier and mortally wounding her own child three years earlier. gads_event = event; Indian Crime Drama Weve seen a courtroom/jury drama on these shores very recently thanks to the Welsh crime drama, 35 Awr, which also features both the case and the lives of the jurors, but I have to say De Twaalf is much more intense in comparison, mostly because its pretty much entirely humour free. The Twelve flew under the radar this summer when it landed on Netflix, and Im glad I circled back to it. What Happens To Him In The End? The final minutes of the show see her attorney find the pair of missing gloves that were used for the child's murder in one of her old books leading to the conclusion that Frie indeed was responsible for the death of her daughter. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The authorities discovered a video from Claires phone in which she could be seen imitating the violent sexual absurdities known as Scarfing, also known as auto-erotic asphyxiation, by suffocating herself with her school tie, which was later recovered as a piece of evidence from the sea. She also informs the court that Kates most recent body of work focused entirely on death. Fidgety and officious, Carl is father to Juliette a teenager who has just been diagnosed with autism. Topic He was a photographer and Kates mentor. When shes selected its almost as if someone has pulled the rug from underneath her she pleads that shes a busy mother of three and its impossible for her to find the time to fully commit, but you also get the sense that theres disproportionate anxiety bubbling under the surface. Norwegian Crime Drama When the intention of a gritty series is to ensure it troubles the mind, then 'The Twelve' (De Twaalf) has done hit the nail on the head as it leaves the viewers with enough to ponder over even after the end credits roll. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Some of his actions during the trial could get him into trouble. Best of 2019 At one point, Holly (Charlotte De . That's for the viewer to decide. And since we, too, get to be jury members, we can deduce based on our own personal experiences. One of the judges confirms this as legally correct, and that if any jurors doubted the existence of intent, the juror should vote to acquit and they do. (LogOut/ hitType: 'event', We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Diane was quite close to her sister, but she gave up when she learned that Kate and Nathan were having an affair. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. When Steefan had first come to know about Brechtjes pregnancy in college, he was very distressed and even suspected that shes cheating on him with a professor. Baby Mia Jade Riley: Parents Lani and Tom Riley speak out after dog attack killed their 5-week-old infant, Kyle Sambrook: Hiker falls 100ft to death while carrying his dog in one hand through 'appalling' weather, Bruce Willis's mom Marlene 'not sure if her son still recognizes her' as 'aggressiveness' creeps in, Killer mom Lindsay Clancy was suffering from drug withdrawal and had 'worst side effects,' says friend, Julia Faustyna: 21-yr-old girl who claims to be Madeleine McCann admits to making 'pornographic videos' in past. Frie requests her lawyer Ari (Josse De Pauw) bring a pop-up book from her home to her. Holly makes her best effort to point out the flaws in his logic and attempts to assuage him and his guilt even going so far as to reveal that she was indeed present at her own parents' murders but to no avail. Amazon Prime Also, there are no objections. Swedish Crime Drama The multi-layered and unique approach makes for a compelling watch and in the end, it is all about how jurors like Delphine (Maaike Neuville), and Holly Cuesters (Charlotte De Bruyne) try their best to stay impartial despite their troubled pasts. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Moloch Series Review: Meditative Psychodrama, Entrapped (fka Trapped) Netflix Review: Uneven But Worth Watching, El Candidato Review: Engrossing Narco-Thriller, Fauda Season 4 Review: This Time Its Personal, Folie Deux: The Tunnel Season 3 Review. }); A young black English literature undergraduate, Jarrod (Ngali Shaw), finds living in this racist nation repugnant. She got choked on her school tie that she tied with the staircases during the photo shoot. Please update your browser to one of the following: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, The Twelve season 1, episode 10 recap Brechtje en Roos. ", Is this a condemnation of the method from the creators, then? In his new nation, Farrad (Hazem Shammas), an Iraqi immigrant and former lawyer who drives a cab for a living, eagerly awaits the arrival of his family. In some sense, is this absolving the jury of their responsibility and an example of the show slightly chickening out of its central premise? Thus, Frie remains to be the only left-handed suspect. So going by this explanation, the decision of the jurors was flawed. True Crime Arnold is a homophobe but ultimately the most clear-eyed about how the justice system is supposed to operate. Quite simply, the series is about how there are different perspectives to a case rather than a solid opinion or viewpoint. The case in The Twelve stems from the relationship between the morose Frie and her ex, Stefaan. Young queer with severe anger management issues, Vannessa Young (Catherine Van-Davies), wants to get pregnant with her girlfriend, Zoe. With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie gets sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment, while Steefan walks free. The decisions made by these fourteen individuals about Kate Lawsons future are unavoidably influenced by their individual situations, obligations, prior struggles, and current living arrangements. In confessing to Ari with the critical items that prove guilt in both cases, she's revealing herself to be the person the prosecution says she is: pathologically unwilling to accept reality and seen as a bad mother. According to Nathans testimony, he and Kate were friends while attending the same art school. While frustrating to some, the ending of The Twelve can be fascinating to many, especially for the ones who enjoy being armchair detectives. eventAction: 'click_ads' On the other hand, Jorie had done something similar. In the closing moments of 'The Twelve', the court concludes that Frie is guilty of killing her best friend Brechtje, but is innocent when it comes to her daughter's murder. In the end, Frie had little to do with what they inflicted on each other. Site by FireCask. Madam Crown emphasizes that the theme is entirely about the abyss or existential terror of facing a young persons death, which ties into the brutal nature of the murder, but Mr. Bell diverts her attention by praising Kates art as beautiful and provocative. Walter Presents, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Outside of its native Belgium it was shown in the US and other territories on Netflix, where it was generally very well received, and now we get it here in the UK thanks to the diligent work of the Walter Presents brand. He despises Kate so much that he called the police and said that she killed her daughter while she was missing. First, the aftermath of Delphines struggle with Mike. Later, a fisherman, Issacs (Nicholas Hope), testified that he had seen Kate Lawson rowing a tender out to the motorboat Wood Duck on the morning of 15th September. We witness Steve Dokic (Shane Connor), the darkroom rapist, enter the courtroom and yell at Robbie to be honest. So many on the jury feel it's necessary that some punishment be meted out to Frie, even if it doesn't necessarily have to do with the murder. He got her pregnant, which means hed have to tell his wife and ruin his family. If you feel like you don't know what to feel upon finishing The Twelve, that's actually part of the point. pg.acq.push(function() { We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Every once in a while, a lawyer will yell out, Is this relevant? or something, but theres no formality to it. ga('ads.send', { Copyright 2021 Ready Steady Cut. The sub-plots come in the form of the juror's lives that have an impact as they actively work the case. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Arnold is grieving the loss of his wife, and the environment around him is starting to fall apart his neighbours are constantly noisy, and the monkeys he looks after at a sanctuary are showing signs of anti-social behaviour. Dutch Crime Drama After three months of court procedures, the jury returns a finding of Guilty for Kate, and the trial is at last over. During a jury deliberation break, Holly asks Joeri point-blank if the situation with the worker has clouded his judgement amid Frie's trial and whether he would have ruled differently if the trial and the accident hadn't occurred at the same time; Joeri responds that he doesn't know. She enters the box and admits her adultery with Nathan, despite her lawyers being unhappy with her choice. A lie? Using its character-driven premise, it creates an immersive experience by purposely confusing viewers and ending on an ambiguous note. (For the record, it doesnt seem like these two cases would be tried as one, but I went with it). Businessman Simon (Nicholas Cassim), the strict father who always attempted to regulate his daughter Avas behavior, finally learns to trust his child. The series intentionally leaves several plot points hanging just to allow viewers to feel the insecurities and pressures of the jurors. While the daughters mystery gets resolved to an extent, Brechtjes murder remains to be one big mystery even after the shows credits start rolling. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. Since Belgian courtroom drama, De Twaalf (The Twelve in English), won a screenwriting award at Cannes in 2019, theres been a distinct buzz building around it as deals were made to distribute it around the world. Don't worry, we won't spam you! eventAction: 'view' Dont miss our other great reviews HERE! How Is He Related To Pope? This Dokic was found guilty of raping and killing Kates close friend Belinda Bain (Charlotte Lucas), a 14-year-old girl, in 1992. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Stefaans pregnant partner Margot worked at the same school a Frie, and soon became romantically involved. Set in the city of Ghent it follows the high-profile, tense court case, which sees a schoolteacher in the dock, accused of murdering her best friend and her daughter. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); Outside of its native Belgium it was shown in the US and other territories on Netflix, where it was generally very well received, and now we get it here in the UK thanks to the . Were they right, or at least justified in their decision? Delphine leaves Mike, with support from Noel. This is, of course, not a decision to be taken lightly. Forthright and free Holly is the foreman on the jury, but shes hiding a past that soon comes to light. Because of the expense to the state, trial rules were temporarily modified to limit juries to just four laymen and three judges, blending the legal concepts of a jury trial and a bench trial, but the idea was ultimately ruled unconstitutional and abandoned. Secure its future we need you! Israeli crime drama We feel that there's something really good to say about juries, and we feel that there's bad things to say. }); Some shows are worth their salt. Moving to the ending, the final chapter, titled 'Brechtje and Roos' is all about the decision. None of the jurors treat it as such either, which leads to a problem there isnt a majority vote, which is whats required. He had every reason to. Joeri is the alpha-male of the jury, but soon his world comes tumbling down co-owner of a construction business with his brother, an on-site accident forces him to reassess his life and reset his own moral compass. Learn how your comment data is processed. Each episode soon settles down into a solid, repeatable and durable format to start with we get a flashback to Frie and Brechtjes previous life, then we get some present-day action from the jurors and their lives, then a meaty slice of the trial, and then a cliffhanger, which usually involves a member of the jury or another flashback. 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