@media only screen and (max-width: 1199px) { As the layout would imply, this is about understanding conflicts and obstacles. For more detail, you can read my post on how to perform these yes or no readings. Mercury (business, skills and integrity), 5. Basically, it deals with one issue at a time, and by the end of the reading . Spiritual. Like a trusted old friend, Tarot cards are great at telling us exactly what we need to do to become the best versions of ourselves, even when we cant see it! The 33 is then broken down and added up to make 6. (i) The First way is by selecting 12 cards, one for each month and the self. Their power lies not in their assigning meaning to the order the cards are drawn in, but rather that the location of the cards can help you intuitively feel the meaning within them, and between them. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below: Lay the cards out side by side and look at them. Cool obscure spreads. .center .heading{ In seconds, Id already be texting, answering emails, scheduling appointments, or checking my latest social media post. Card 5 (top of cross): What could I gain, like a skill or knowledge, by reclaiming this projection? 3. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Lead photo courtesy of Pexels; Anna Tarazevich, Copyright 2023 - Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved, External influences (people around you, etc. Things got a little wild while I was doodling on my ipad the other night and I ended up creating a brand new, sexy Halloween Tarot Spread. This is a deliciously fun and unethical Tarot spread that I created just for Valentines Day. Christmasy Tarot Card Spread Card 7: This Tarot Card shows you your inner growth. } If you were born on the 7th of January 1996, you would break down the numbers like so: 7 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 +6 = 33. Adorned with holographic gold edges. Now, you are either a professional or you are doing free Tarot Card spreads for your neighbours and other people who come to you for guidance and counsel. This can be a good reading to encourage personal growth or to set goals. When I first started to learn to read Tarot, I thought I needed to master the10-Card Celtic Crossto be a good Tarot reader. Card 6 (Virgo): How do you regulate your emotions and access inner wisdom? text-transform: uppercase !important; Hey, unfortunately, I really cant say what the Tarot is trying to tell you as I dont know what you asked and what each card represents! color: #fff !important; They can surely be one of the most helpful and peaceful resources of wisdom at all times. padding-right: 20px !important; This is a Tarot spread thats fun, lighthearted and a little bit sexy to help you make the most out of this Summer! Powers within that you need to develop, 5. Let us peep at what this Tarot Card Spread means. The Celtic Cross Tarot Card Spread is arranged with a Cross on a base. font-size: 24px !important; Cancer (home, parents, children and extended family), 10. } .tarot-banner-container .center .heading{ Card 12 (Pisces): What aspects of your shadow (positive or negative) should be brought to light. } The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 1.? line-height: 22px; keywords included and a nice description. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; margin: 10px; 9. .tarot-banner-container p { Card 2 (Taurus): What traditions or authorities guide your values and dreams? All Rights Reserved |. Creator (explores what drives you in new directions), 6.? Common four-card advice spreads include: Person #1 Person #1's desires or hidden motives Person #2 Person #2's desires or hidden motives The situation Past Influences Advice Action Past Present. .tarot-banner-container { Lovers, Lusts, Artistic self and Instincts, 8. 2. Shuffle the cards, then pull three of them, one by one. You can focus on your query and then spread the cards. When you have a thousand queries, you may turn to this form of Tarot Reading. The beauty of them is that they are totally flexible to be anything you need! Above the cross, the fifth card reveals potential. For all the looming, more daunting questions and problems in our lives, we have the giant 12 card, 20 card spreads. } The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. What resources are available to me today? } . Tarot Spreads Here you will find Tarot spreads to suit many different situations. .banner-dwnlod-btn .fa{ For those who don't know, a tarot spread is a specific layout of cards geared toward answering specific questions. This 5 card Tarot spread was designed to help you navigate change and transition in your life, so you can feel empowered during those chaotic times. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; A 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love. This one-card draw clarifies what energies are either consciously or unconsciously moving through your being. You may find yourself getting closer to achieving that very personal dream you want to manifest. Concentrate on your specific question. Before shuffling the cards, you determine what questions you'd like answered and configure the placement of the cards. .tarot-banner-container .center { padding: 20px 0; Valentines Day Spread: Ignite Your Love Life! Thank you ! Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: Revamped! Like most occult practices, the true value of alchemy is hidden underneath much obscure symbolism, warding off the muggles, and keeping the secrets within. I do not recommend the ten-card Celtic Cross tarot spread for beginners, but it is a favorite for isolating issues in someones life. Check out the online version of the Modern Way one-card spread here >>. The final card can be flexible. Self is the Card 1, and the Tarot Card at the base is a type of Tarot card spreads, you can use widely to find out what the planets are indicating. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; The one that you would choose for survival. } Things are not always as they appear! .redirection-btn { Whether your single and looking to mingle or in a relationship, this spread will help you discover how to spice things up. I have a couple decks for different spreads, I've been primarily using the rider tarot for my main deck and the golden universal for spreads that require the major and minor . 8. Shuffle, pull, and reveal the answers. I tried to pull together some spreads around very popular questions I get from clients. padding-right: 20px !important; The various cards in the Spread represent this part of you: The Layout is 1, 4, 9 in a straight line. Seriously, you can get super deep with just three cards. margin: 30px auto !important; Meanwhile, a Minor Arcana card in this position indicates that the querent has more control in the situation. One ten-card option begins with a row of five cards. A simple example of this is that when we see things clustered together, we tend to understand them as a group. You can use it as a Career Tarot Spread, or Tarot Card spreads for specific questions. Not only are there many different types of tarot card decks available, there are also many different spreads used by card readers. width: 100%; Connect with Your Spirit Guides & Angels When you know all your cards, when you have made your diary of thoughts. This spread is perfect for those days where you want to get into a certain state but arent sure how to make that happen. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; .tarot-banner-container .center { What does that mean? width: 50%; What do you need to focus on right now? So stop what youre doing and try this spread out.right meow! Meditating on the past and the present cards can show you how the future card fits in. You can ask your most important question, with this spread. What the Universe wants you to be / The personal qualities required / Specific action . Come, lets see how to different Tarot card spreads can be created for a deep and meaningful draw. font-size: 24px !important; This tarot spread does not require deep knowledge of the cards, you will only need to know ahead of time which cards represent Yes, No, or Maybe.. Mars (hostility, opposition and aggression), 6. 3. There are three columns in which the Cards are arranged. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. They can reference different topics and will have different variations of cards, but (besides the Celtic Cross) there aren't set tarot spreads out there. Then, a third card is placed beneath the cross to show the foundations of the issue from the deep past. .tarot-banner-container .left { 6. You may also like to experiment with designing your own! You can use this spread for more granular, daily or weekly goals, OR for bigger life goals its up to you! When we get intentional about the way we want to feel and then apply energy to that feeling, magic happens! Made using lots of stickers, washi tape, and stamps. This first row gives a detailed picture of the partnership while the next five cards provide larger themes. Tarot card spreads for guidance is a sagacious way to invest your time. Another card is drawn and placed above the three-card row to show the potential of the situation. font-weight: bold; Gerald Gardner, influenced by Margaret Murray, implemented all 8 into Wicca. Until then, borrow or adapt one of these tried and true three card tarot spread patterns: In the past, present, future tarot spread, the first card pulled represents elements from the past affecting present events. Do you have a favorite? The Tree of Life is nothing but our life in the form of a Tree. New Years Tarot Spread: Mapping Out Your Year Ahead! The final two cards will be placed above the sixth card. } color:#000 !important; Use a tarot journal to record your findings. And those relationships can be really confusingso, here's a spread to help you figure out why. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Its also easy to modify a five-card cross formation for love. Much of his "Witch-Cult" hypothesis was heavily influenced by Robert Graves' fictional work "The White Goddess" which many have falsely assumed as an historical work but was the author's poetic and personal "historical re-imagining" of ancient faith. Past, Present, Future Tarot Spread Air (current strategies and thoughts concerning goals), 5.? Dark (cosmos reaction to your state of being), 10. This 7 card Tarot Spread can be used whenever you feel like you arent on the same wavelength with someone, whether its a lover, co-worker, friend or family member. } This Tarot Card Spread uses 4 cards and really gets to the root of the issue! Halloween Tarot Card Spread In nature, spatial positions help us see relationships. This 5 card Tarot Spread will help you discover your unique gifts, show you what is blocking their expression and how you share them without fear. width: 41%; color:#fff !important; How can I bring greater awareness to my day? Crank up the heat with this spicy Tarot spread and discover new ways to bring excitement into your love life, whether your single or partnered. Its easy enough to just draw three cards in a line, and you can absolutely still do that with all the spreads listed in this post. Card 7 (faults and weaknesses of your life) on the left-hand side and Card 3 (goals, spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, and wisdom) on the right-hand side of card 1. } Nevertheless, modern day jewelry has become a style statement for both males and females, old and the young. The Outcome is the ultimate outcome your question. .banner-dwnlod-btn .win-btn .fa-windows{ Premise (foundation for the entire spread). Stay inspired!mysticrainn.comTalk to me: rainnthemystic@gmail.com-----Listen to Ascended Thoughts podcast onSpotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/show/7n. Although Ive just about gone through most the spreads was wondering if any tarot vets could offer me some wisdom or spreads. These cards answer the following questions: If you want to learn more about this well-known spread, check out my article about the Celtic Cross tarot spread. You may find solutions to recurring problems you thought were impossible to solve. margin-bottom: 0 !important; The Cards are indicative of, One of the simplest of its kind, the Dream Exploration Tarot Card Spread, has three cards-. padding-right: 20px !important; Because these readings are stripped down, experienced tarot readers may find this approach to be reductive. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Before you pull your daily card, ask: What do I need to know today? Card 10 (Capricorn): What temptations may distract you from spiritual growth? This spread uses 10 cards and it gives a great snapshot of what is going on in your life. One of her five card cross formation tarot spreads can be used to learn more about our psychological projections, or the attributes we observe in others but not ourselves. Are you struggling to read Tarot for yourself? Card 11 (Aquarius): What is your hearts desire? Card 5: How people around the issue affect the querents decision. That's why I made a list of the Top 10 Tarot Cards for Decision Making. line-height: 25px !important; You may also want to come back to your notes before bed and see if the answers make more sense within the context of what went on for you during the day. The three Tarot Cards above represent Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer Cards. All right reserved. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. .banner-dwnlod-btn { What if I created a more intentional morning ritual? 3. border-radius: 5px; Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual . Dont have a life crisis? This 4 card Tarot Layout reveals what is keeping you stuck in the past and you can move forward with ease. Jewelry Care. Good morning!! For the crosses spread, what is the correct way to read the horizontal card if reversals are involved? Then, the tarot spread will guide your interpretation of their story. When the larger cross is complete, a column of four additional cards is created to provide additional information about the events at hand. 7. It is intended to shed light on many aspects of your life. Card 6: This Card can very well tell you about your Career prospects and Career choices you would be making in the form of Career Tarot. Do you know what it is? Present physical and material well-being. } The arrangement of Tarot Cards in the Tetraktys Tarot Card Spread involves one, two, three, and four points in four consecutive rows forming a triangle. As you become more comfortable with your cards, you will be able to invent your own three card tarot spreads. 78 Tarot Cards. Look at the card for a few minutes to take in its imagery and messages. width: 100% !important; Card 9 (higher purpose and desire) on top. } Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. First Card represents the primary question. @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { This poster illustration shows the different planets and what they mean for divination. Weve come to your rescue with these easy tarot spreads. For those who dont know, a tarot spread is a specific layout of cards geared toward answering specific questions. padding-right: 20px !important; Sexy Summer Tarot Spread The more intention we can place on this process, the better because the more aware we are, the more we can choose who we eventually become. E-Book! It is a nine-card spread, has specific positions for cards, and provides much in-depth analysis. So, I started reaching for my Tarot deck instead of my phone each morning. Once you have a deck, get ready to read! Here you will find Tarot spreads to suit many different situations. The patterns described below offer combinations suitable for all levels of expertise. With this spread, you have no excuse for missing your daily tarot ritual! They never tire. Past Life Tarot Card Spread Shuffle and remember your basics before you begin the Spread. } Some problems may require more than one sitting if you are practicing Tarot card spreads for beginners, and some issues may require several impressions given the complexity of the issue, but do not leave halfway. Ask three very important questions begin the reading. Would you like to try something kind of neat? To conclude, we can always come to these Tarot cards for guidance, be it free Tarot card spreads, or we buy these readings. } The two of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Its as easy as it sounds: simply pull one card for the energy of the day! margin-top: 13px; This spread can be used for any kind of relationship that youre on the fence about romantic, friendship or even work related. You can read ithere. All prices in USD. ??? Using 9 cards, this Tarot card spread gives you a spicy snapshot of the themes, challenges, gifts and opportunities of the year ahead. ?The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 6. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 5. Withlove tarot spreads, there are a few ways you can go about asking the cards. .center .heading{ 6,8, 7 below it. @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { You will be amazed at how quickly your personal awareness expands. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Reading tarot is an intuitive practice. Without any of these, the whole structure collapses. > Tarot Spreads & Rituals. 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