At birth, striped skunks weigh less than an ounce. They favor mixed woods and brushland, rolling weedy fields, fencerows, wooded ravines and rocky outcrops in or near agricultural areas. Although skunks in New York retreat to winter dens and remain inactive for extended periods, they do not hibernate. Color: Black with two white stripes on its back and tail. Conservation Ranks. They travel widely in search of mates and breed with several females if possible. Phylogeography of striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in North America: Pleistocene dispersal and contemporary population structure. [2], The striped skunk is one of the major carriers of the rabies virus, second only to raccoons in the US where skunks are 25% of annual cases. Status in Tennessee: Striped Skunks may be abundant in certain areas, so there are no conservation concerns. Black body, narrow white stripe on middle of the forehead, broad white area on nape that usually divides into a V at the shoulders. [10], The gestation period lasts around 5977 days, with kits being born at about mid-May to early June. This page was last edited on 23 September 2022, at 02:18. Kits are able to follow their mother on hunting trips at two months, and soon after disperse. Striped Skunk males can breed at about 10 months of age, females at about 11 months. They can weigh from 6 to 14 pounds. The newborns are blind and deaf, and wont open their eyes for about three weeks. Photo by Smithsonian Wild. Skunks fill various roles in legends and may be featured as heroes, villains, tricksters, or monsters. As the Maryland winter approaches, striped skunks begin looking for a den to spend the winter. Striped Skunk Commonly referred to as polecats, striped skunk are about the size of domestic house cats, measuring 21-28 inches in total length and weighing from 3-11 pounds. Females usually lose 10 to 30 percent of their body weight by spring; males lose only about 10 percent, as they are more inclined to leave their dens and feed during mild spells. There is a significant reduction in body mass during wintermonths, when striped skunks can lose up to 50 percent of their weight. However, that could change. [10], The striped skunk is polygamous, and normally breeds once a year, though yearling females who have failed to mate may enter a second estrous cycle a month after the first. A skunk can shoot musk about twelve feet, but will use it as only a last resort, preferring, instead, to bluff an enemy. [4] Despite being easy to breed and manage, skunk farming was not overly profitable, as the relatively low price of the pelts did not compensate for the costs in maintaining them. Southern California, from vicinity of Monterey Bay south into Lower California; east to the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Range. They can swim, but are poor climbers. Skunk musk is generally harmless. 1-Nov. 12; Sunday Nov. 13; Nov.14-Nov.19; Sunday Nov. 20; Nov. 21-Nov. 26; Sunday Nov. 27; Nov. 28-. Like the more glamorous members of the weasel family, the skunk also has glossy and durable fur that can be dyed uniformly black for exquisite garment trimming. They have a small, white stripe on their forehead which splits and expands down the sides of its back. (females slightly smaller) Lifespan: Up to 7 years in the wild. The breeding season is from February to April, and females typically give birth once a year. [10], The color patterns of the fur vary greatly, but generally consist of a black base with a white stripe extending from the head which divides along the shoulders, continuing along the flanks to the rump and tail. Younger females may bear fewer young and give birth later in the year than older females. Skunks are susceptible to several diseases including canine distemper and most notably, rabies. I studied habitat, site, and population parameters of striped skunks, based on . These skunks only travel about 800 m from their home, yet they can walk about 2 km (1.2 mi) per night. Weight: Between 3 and 10 pounds. Wanders onto beaches at low tide eating stranded animals. [11] Prior to the First World War, skunk pelts were primarily shipped to Europe until better methods of deodorizing and processing the skins lead to increased interest in selling them for North American consumption. They have a long history of association with humans, having been trapped and captively bred for their fur and kept as pets. The Striped skunk can be recognized easily by its pattern and colors. They often live in the abandoned dens of other mammals during the day, or take up residence in hollowed logs, brush piles or underneath buildings. Their senses of sight, smell and hearing have been judged poor to fair compared with those of other wild mammals. Prior to copulating, the males' testicles swell during the JanuaryFebruary period, with maximum size being attained in March. Spraying an offending creature typically occurs after a warning display, which involves the skunk stomping its feet and arching its back while raising its tail. Striped skunks are natives of North America and occur from northern Mexico to southern Canada. However, roadside and lawn mowing, or any maintenance practice which prevents the development of a forest canopy, favors the continued existence of skunks. Transport the covered trap without too much jostling, and the animal will not spray. Striped skunks are natives of North America and occur from northern Mexico to southern Canada. Large, bushy black and white tail. Striped skunks have black fur with a wide, white stripe from the head all the way down the back on the body. As an opportunistic feeder, it will fill its diet with a variety of insects, small mammals, eggs, and occasional plants. Skunks are chiefly nocturnal, hunting from dusk until dawn, except during the breeding season when they are frequently observed during daylight hours. [11], Like all skunks, the striped skunk possesses two highly developed scent glands, one on each side of the anus, containing about 15 milliliters of musk each,[13] which provides a chemical defense against predation. [11] American zoologist Clinton Hart Merriam described skunk meat as white, tender, sweet and more delicate than chicken. Musk is an oily liquid, creamy or yellowish in color. Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. Worldwide,Mephitis mephitisis restricted to North America. The skunk connection in these genres may be due to the term "funk" being a term for strong odor. Young, called kits or kittens, are born helpless, with eyes opening at about 3 weeks and weaning occurring at 6 to 7 weeks. Such predators include cougars, coyotes, bobcats, badgers, and red and gray foxes. Protect local waterways by using fewer pesticides when caring for your garden or lawn. They will hunt with the mother for the first time around 7 weeks and weaning occurs at 8 weeks. The the striped skunk in Tennessee is the most commone and it occurs state-wide. Striped skunk sizes vary greatly depending upon time of year and geographic location,with weights fluctuating between 1.5 and 13 pounds (0.7 to 6.3 kg), and total length varying between18 and 32 inches (46.5 to 81.5 cm). [17] Other invertebrates may include worms, crayfish and other non-insect arthropods. About the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Two New Striped Skunks Make Debut At Small Mammal House, A Quack-filled Roll Call: Meet the Ducks of the Bird House, #CheetahCubdate 7: How to Enrich and Train Cheetahs, New at the Zoo: Meet Our Gray Seal, Jo-Jo. Because skunks are difficult to kill without having them discharge their musk (and thus ruin their fur) they were typically dispatched with a paralyzing blow to the lower back or drowned if caught in a box trap. These grades are further subdivided in value according to their locality, with the most valuable occurring in northern regions, where the fur is finer and darker. It is about the size of a house cat and has a potent musk that often overshadows the beauty of its glossy and durable fur. Skunks are nocturnal solitary animals and forage and hunt in the evening. It also suggested that the decline in Plains Spotted Skunk harvest was due to decline in fur prices (Reports from 1951). In fall and winter, skunks eat fruit such as wild grapes and cherries; small mammals such as moles, mice, voles and shrews; plant items such as grasses, leaves and buds; mast and carrion. The burrow has a central chamber (12 to 15 inches in diameter) about three feet underground, connected to the surface by one or more tunnels 5 to 15 feet long. 2012. They also prey on woodchucks and other young animals in burrows. Hooded and hog-nosed skunks occupy ranges from the U.S. Southwest to southernmost Argentina and Peru. Of the 3 skunks that underwent necropsy on 3 dpi, 2 had infectious virus in the turbinates but not in other tissues tested. If cornered, the striped skunk will turn and confront its opponent, arching its back and displaying its long and bushy tail to make itself appear larger, followed by stamping its feet. Cut back on single-use goods, and find creative ways to reuse products at the end of their life cycle. Skunks readily adapt to urban, suburban, and agricultural land use. Skunks can live in an area for years and, because of their nocturnal habits, remain unseen, although perhaps not unsmelled, by most people. Skunks are also popular characters in children's stories, comics and cartoons, most notably the Warner Bros character Pep Le Pew and the Disney character Flower of the 1942 animated film Bambi, their musky odor making them a source of fear and ostracization. What they eat depends on where they live and what is available. Striped skunks have an IUCN rank of Least Concern, IUCN information. The regulations allow only a limited, open harvest season. As members of the weasel family Mustelidae, they share the characteristics of a musky odor and well-developed scent glands. (218) 667-4201 The Striped Skunk. One wildlife host that purportedly plays a role in the transmission of Chagas disease within the southern United States is the striped skunk . The spray, which can not only offend the nose but sting the eyes, can reach 12 feet from the skunk; the mist of the spray and the odor can travel considerably further. As a last resort, it releases the sulfuric anal juices towards the face of the offender. The Striped skunk has narrow white stripes located at the center of its face, which differ in length and width across individuals. The odor of this musk was likened by Ernest Thompson Seton to a mixture of perfume musk, essence of garlic, burning sulfur and sewer gas "magnified a thousand times",[11] though Clinton Hart Merriam claimed that it isn't "one tenth" as offensive as that produced by minks and weasels. Coyotes, foxes, owls, bobcat and fisher will prey on skunks, and collisions with cars are a common cause of skunk deaths. It has been prevalent in modern popular culture, being the subject of various jazz and funk songs like Cab Calloway's "Skunk Song" and the Brecker Brothers' "Some Skunk Funk". Striped skunks have an easily identifiable coloration: two thick white stripes along the back and tail sharply contrast an otherwise black coat. Arizona, western New Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua, and northern Lower California; south in the Sierra Madre to southern Chihuahua. [10], The striped skunk may dig its own dens, though it will appropriate those abandoned by other animals should the opportunity present itself. Since 1996, spotted skunks have been classified as threatened in Minnesota, and any sightings should be reported to Minnesota DNR. This oily musk, expelled through the anus, can cause temporary blindness and pain if sprayed in the eyes of a potential attacker. Nevertheless, raising skunks was considered good practice for amateur fur farmers wishing to later move on to more valuable furbearers like martens, sable, mink and silver foxes. In summer, they feed heavily on insects (adult and larval form) including grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and wasps. The gestation period lasts 62-66 days, but sometimes up to 75 days. Skunks are armed with a potent defensive weapon: a pair of large scent glands found beneath the skin on either side of the rectum. Striped skunks are typically docile mammals that tolerate humans in close proximity without showing aggression. The species commonly found in Pennsylvania is the striped skunk. The Striped Skunk is found in lowlands throughout Washington, preferring relatively open country such as logged lands, old fields, open woods, brushy grassland, forest edges, riparian corridors, and agricultural areas. Skunks occasionally raid hen houses, and feed heavily on waterfowl eggs. Its numbers usually decline as abandoned fields and pastures become forested. They are quite at home in a variety of landscapes, from wooded areas to grasslands and agriculture fields, and even in urban areas, among humans. [11] The latter name was originally used by English settlers, who noted the animal's similarity to the European polecat. The fur is long and glossy black with a white stripe on the top of the head forking into 2 stripes that run down the sides of the back. Eyes open when they are about 3 weeks old. These dens are normally used only in late fall, winter, and early spring, while females with unweaned kits make use of them in late spring and summer. Skunks are solitary and typically nonaggressive, and they have not historically been a serious threat to homeowners, agricultural producers and other wildlife. In some cases, a secondary breeding period will occur in May in the event that the first litter was lost, or pseudopregnacny occurs. Skunks are placid and sluggish. This type of regulatory protection has been successful. Large, bushy black and white tail. For day retreats (resting cover), they use hayfields, pastures, fencerows and brushy borders of waterways. Winter home ranges tend to be smaller than summer home ranges since skunks typically stay close to their dens. Here, we report the observation of tentative tool use in a wild striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), captured by a trail camera in the front yard of a hobby naturalist who shared the photographs on social media. They are slightly larger and their scent is not as strong as the Eastern Spotted Skunk's. Mephitis memphitis has proven highly adaptable. The spotted skunk is able to use its strong feet and claws to climb trees. The striped skunk has a white stripe that starts at the top of its head, splits at the neck, and extends down each side of its body. Skunks are capable of breeding in their first year. If threatened, a skunk drums its forefeet on the ground, snarls, arches its back and raises its tail. A free roaming dog often aggravates the situation by chasing the prowling skunk. "Mephitis mephitis" (PDF). when the Island Spotted Skunk had a small population and was not well-studied, the skunk that time was designated as a species of concern. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis ) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. Found up to about 2000 feet on the west side of the state. The common striped skunk is found from central Canada southward throughout the United States to northern Mexico. Stink badgers are preyed upon by civets, cats, and humans. Litters of 2-16 (usually 4-6) young are born in May or June. They do not hibernate, and may forage for food occasionally during the season, but generally rely on their fat reserves to see them through the winter. [16], The striped skunk inhabits a wide variety of habitats, particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. The chemical makeup of skunk musk varies by species, but each version contains compounds called thiols that are responsible for the foul smell. Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Striped Skunk, University of Maryland Extension on Facebook, University of Maryland Extension on Instagram, University of Maryland Extension on Twitter, University of Maryland Extension on Youtube, 2018-2023 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect, instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. (Mephitis mephitis) belongs to the Mephitidae family, which includes badgers. Eastern striped skunks are relatively common throughout the United States and can be found throughout Maryland. Measurements from Minnesota are from Hazard (1982), from Wisconsin are from Jackson (1961), and from the Eastern United States are from Hamilton and Whitaker (1998). [11], Skunk farming largely began during the late 1890s, when there was much foreign demand for their skins, and intensive trapping had largely extirpated the more valuable mostly black-colored specimens. Choosing reusable options instead can help reduce plastic pollution. They weigh 3 to 12 pounds, depending on age, sex, physical condition and time of year. It is not unusual to see a female skunk with a line of little black and white copies following her across a damp pasture or lawn on an early July morning. According to IUCN, the Striped skunk is common and widely distributed throughout its range but no overall population estimate is available. The Striped skunk is threatened by predation, disease, environmental conditions (such as a severe winter or a drought), chemicals, human activities, diseases like rabies and the associated control programs. Maryland is home to two members of the skunk family. Some farmers welcome their presence, realizing that these small predators eat many pest insects and rodents. Though . Western Canada, from Manitoba to British Columbia; south in the United States to Colorado, Nebraska, and Minnesota. For this reason, it is not wise to feed a house cat outside your home after dark. Male body weight ranged from 5.5 lb to 9.9 lb (2.5-4.5 kg) in Minnesota and female body weight ranged from 4 to 9 lb (1.8-4.1 kg) in Minnesota. Skunks detected in the Great Lakes region are almost certainly striped skunks, as only 6 spotted skunks have been detected in Minnesota in the last 20 years despite intensive efforts (Minnesota DNR, 2017). Wildlife researchers have estimated an average of one skunk per 10 acres of prime habitat and 13.5 skunks per square mile of agricultural land. They prefer open areas with a variety of habitats and inhabit particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners, and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. Other names include polecat and the French Canadian enfant du diable, or child of the devil.. The Winnebago people used the skunk to symbolize vanity, being beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside. After mating, the female no longer associates with the male and becomes aggressive towards him through vocalizing, stamping her feet and sometimes fighting. West side of Mississippi Valley from southern Louisiana to Missouri; westward along the coast of Texas to Matagorda Island; and up the Red River Valley as far at least as Wichita Falls. A Striped Skunk in Wicomico County, Maryland, 2011. (Verts, 1967). However, these animals may still be harvested in most parts of Canada and the United States. Prairie region of Illinois, western Indiana, and eastern Iowa. Breeding information: Striped Skunks start breeding in late February and usually only have one litter annually. Skunks often leave holes in the ground where they forage for insects or tear apart ground nests of small animals. This oily musk, which is expelled through the anus, may cause temporary blindness or pain if sprayed in the potential attackers eyes. Striped skunks are solitary, typically docile animals. Prior to spraying, skunks usually warn intruders by stamping their feet and holding the tail high in the air. Immune to snake venom, these animals will eat poisonous snakes such as rattlesnakes. A mated female drives off males shortly after her three-day estrus period ends. They are slightly larger and their scent is not as strong as the Eastern Spotted Skunk's. Description: A medium-sized, stout-bodied mammal with a small head, short legs, and a prominent, bushy tail. Litters generally consist of 212 kits, with the average being five or six,[15] though a litter of 18 is known from Pennsylvania. They have short legs and wide rear ends. The blind newborns are furless, but have the black and white color pattern on their skin. Shores of Puget Sound and coastal region of Washington and northern Oregon. Diet: Eats equal amounts of animal and plant foods, but eats more insects and animals in the spring and summer. Skunks are host to fleas, lice, mites, ticks and various internal parasites. Cipriani, D. (2011) "Skunks are affectionate, intelligent pets for owners who offer the proper care.". Protection and promoting general public awareness of a species is a good way to secure its status. Spotted skunks will also use barns and out buildings for cover. Additionally, most states permit skunk harvesting year-round. [4] Skunks are notable for being easy to trap, even approaching traps they had been previously caught in. They are native to the United States and Canada. You may have heard that pelts of the striped skunk once were more valuable than they are in the current fur market. Skunks are known to everyone by sight, smell, and reputation. Striped skunks are found throughout Florida, except the Keys, and can be found in both natural and residential areas. The striped skunk is one of the most recognizable of North America's animals, and is a popular figure in cartoons and children's books. Skunk pelt prices may have doubled from about 1939 through the early 1940s, but they were never as valuable as red fox. Habitat: They are hunted and trapped for their pelts in Tennessee. Normally solitary, males and females get together for breeding in February and March. Ball and K. R. Foresman This study was initiated in 1988 as a striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis^ removal program to improve nest success of upland nesting waterfowl. Males are typically slightlylarger than females. Confident. A skunks smelly spray can reach up to ten feet, and be detected for up to 2.4 km (1.5 mi). Kits are born blind and sparsely furred, weighing 2540grams. The fur is black, usually with a white stripe running down the head and dividing to become two stripes on each side of the body. NRRI Duluth[emailprotected] and was listed as a Species of Special Concern by the state of California. In cultivated areas, striped skunks will dig their dens in fencerows, likely because they are less likely to be disturbed by machinery or livestock. Total length: 20 to 28 inches. It has sharp claws on its front webbed feet that it will use to dig for grubs, worms, and reptiles or amphibians, and that can aid them climbing trees in search of food. The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas, as well as semi-desert, urban edge, forest edges and swampland environments. Entirely white skunks, or skunks with the black replaced by seal brown or the white replaced by yellow are also know to occur. Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. In colder weather, they may eat voles, young birds, or bird eggs. . Some harvesting continues today. Dens are usually short and shallow, a few yards long, and a yard underground. The word skunk comes from the Algonquin Indian name for the animal, seganku. And, contrary to popular opinion, it can discharge when hoisted by the tail. Their diet includes insects, fish, crustaceans, small mammals, fruits, nuts, grasses leaves, and carrion (dead animals). [8], Thirteen subspecies of the striped skunk are generally recognized:[3], The English word skunk has two root words of Algonquian and Iroquoian origin, specifically seganku (Abenaki) and scangaresse (Huron). Male tail length ranged from 8.7 to 11.0 (220-280 mm) in Minnesota, and female tail length ranged from 7.9 to 10.4 (200-265 mm) in Minnesota. Gestation takes approximately two months, so that by May a female is caring for an average litter of five or six young. (The seventh spotted skunk species, Spilogale yucatanensis, is a bit of a weirdo, being native to Mexico's Yucatn Peninsula but sharing the closest evolutionary relationship with S. putorius,. Fun Facts: Striped skunks are common throughout their range. Fruits, nuts, carrion, garbage, invertebrates, eggs, small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles can all be taken, but insects usually represent the majority of their diet. Using fertilizers sparingly, keeping storm drains free of litter and picking up after your pet can also improve watershed health. [2] Like all skunks, they possess highly developed musk-filled scent glands to ward off predators. Some populations, particularly in northwestern Illinois, prefer cultivated areas over uncultivated ones. Body weight ranged from 4.0 lb to 8.8 lb (1.8-4.0 kg) in Wisconsin. [5] The striped skunk is one of the most recognizable of North America's animals, and is a popular figure in cartoons and children's books. They den in ground burrows, stumps, wood and rock piles, overhanging creek banks and beneath buildings. Predatory birds, including golden and bald eagles, and great horned owls tend to have greater success in hunting skunks, though they still risk being blinded by their prey's musk. Striped skunks are the biggest of the skunk species. However, recent surveys now . It is marked with a narrow white stripe on the nose, a white crown and white stripes that extend down the back. Maryland Biodiversity Project. Presence. Although these animals are usually silent, they can make a wide range of sounds, including hissing, screeching, churring, growling, twittering, and cooing sounds during social interactions or when alarmed. Picture a skunk. To help assess population trends, we can look at regional furbearer harvest data, methods. Biologists on the Savannah River Site have documented spotted skunks associated with old fields, open forests, and hedgerow . Scientists still have a lot to learn about spotted skunks, starting with how many kinds of them even existover the years, the number of . Skunks with the mother for the foul smell to trap, even approaching traps they been... 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